Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bruce Sterling: I Saw The Best Minds of my Generation Destroyed By Google

Bruce Sterling: "That creepy 'differential permissioning' sure saves a lot of trouble for grown-ups. Increasing chunks of the world are just... magically off limits. It's a weird new regime where every mall and every school and every bus and train and jet is tagged and tracked and ambient and pervasive and ubiquitous and geolocative... Jesus, I love those words... Where was I?

"Right. We teenagers have to live in 'controlled spaces'. Radio-frequency ID tags, real-time locative systems, global positioning systems, smart doorways, security videocams. They 'protect' us kids, from imaginary satanic drug dealer terrorist mafia predators. We're 'secured'. We're juvenile delinquents with always-on cellphone nannies in our pockets. There's no way to turn them off. The internet was designed without an off-switch." /New Scientist Tech/

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