Saturday, October 14, 2006

Time Warner, YouTube and General Concerns about the Broadcast Business

"(T)he problem (of online content "kicking the ass" of broadcast content) is back, and it's much more serious, at least, it's serious if you're committed to your old ways of doing business. And for those who are afraid of the future, its name is Google. Time Warner CEO Dick Parsons is in a tought spot - he knows that disparaging dismissals of the upstarts will no longer suffice." /Searchblog/

"Dick Parsons, the chairman and chief executive of Time Warner, fired a shot across the bows of Google, saying his group would pursue its copyright complaints against the video sharing site

"Mr Parsons told the Guardian: 'You can assume we're in negotiations with YouTube and that those negotiations will be kicked up to the Google level in the hope that we can get to some acceptable position.'

"Mr Parsons said that, like many media companies, Time Warner had looked at buying YouTube but balked at the price. 'The best buyer for YouTube was Google because it has the most advanced ability right now to monetise traffic. Whether they overpaid or not, time will tell.'

"Mr Parsons said Time Warner looked at 'everything' when it came to acquisitions. But it was unlikely to be interested in ITV, which did not meet the US group's financial or operational disciplines. The hiatus at the top of the organisation is understood to be a deterrent to potential bidders. He has expanded Time Warner's cable operations and signed off a radical overhaul of its struggling AOL internet business, but said he had concerns about the 'broadcast business' more generally." /Guardian Unlimited Business/

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