Monday, September 10, 2007

There Is No Coming Singularity?

While technologist Ray Kurzweil describes the Law of Accelerating Returns and an inevitable technological singularity, Gwynne Dyer, a highly sarcastic London-based independent journalist, claims that the rate of change in the industrial world may actually be slowing:
We do not live in an era of major change, neither in the
technologies that shape our environment nor in the social values that shape
our lives...

[Computers are] precisely the technology that William Gibson
fixed on as the basis for his dystopian futures, but despite all the hype
the 'IT revolution' really isn't enough to redefine the way we live. We
inhabit a period that has seen no more by way of fundamental technological
change, and considerably less intellectual and social upheaval, than the
latter half of the 18th century. /

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